Archive | November, 2015

Thanksgiving pumpkin pie challenge: Day-of edition

26 Nov

2014-11-27 17.46.34-1

Happy Thanksgiving!

I meant to write this introduction a few days ago, but moving got in the way. I’m in a new (and bigger) kitchen this holiday, which is great news for my baking, bad news for my productivity in all other things.

This year, Hannah suggested we do a pumpkin pie challenge. It’s something we typically bake every year, so I’m betting we’ll have some variations up our sleeves.

The pie at the top of this post is Hannah’s from last year. So lovely! The one on the bottom is mine from 2013. All I’m hoping for this year is not to crack the custard. And I’ve had varying degrees of luck with this (read: ugly pie).

Lesson learned from past pies (common knowledge): Take the pie out when it slightly wobbles in the middle, or it will weep and separate from the crust.

Here’s to a perfect pumpkin pie!

— Nora