Archive | June, 2013

Ice Cream Sandwiches: Denver

21 Jun

Truly not having my finest week, so I’ll keep it brief.


Ice cream sandwiches were delicious! Everyone who tried one enjoyed it, and they were a big hit with my family after a baseball game. Made ’em last weekend.


They were very simple to put together! Sift the dry, blend the wet, bake, fill, and freeze. I wrapped each newly-constructed sandwich in its own foil package, which made unwrapping them feel special. I finished some with sprinkles and some with sanding sugar.



Challenge: Ice Cream Sandwiches

14 Jun

Well, we’re having a bit of a heat wave here in Denver. Maybe you’ve read about some of the fires in Colorado lately – it’s been HOT. This is pretty worrisome, because if it was 100 degrees last week, what is August gonna look like? Ugh.

Anyway. I was thinking about something easy and cool to cook, and landed on ice cream sandwiches. There’s a lot of freedom in this challenge, because you can really pair any cookie and ice cream duo you want to! I have some ideas up my sleeve, but here are some pre-fab pairings that are sure to please.

Martha’s Mini Chocolate Chip Ice Cream Sandwiches

Martha’s Strawberry-Chocolate Ice Cream Sandwiches

Baker’s Royale’s Oreo Cookie Ice Cream Sandwiches on a Stick

Good luck!